Know How

One of the company’s main assets is the knowledge developed by the personnel and the experience obtained along time from works execution and know-how.
This includes work control services, optimization, client/management/public agencies/subcontracted companies relations.
Our mission consists of assisting our clients in organizing their companies, developing their works, solving and advising them in solving any problems that may arise.
The client must be satisfied with our participation, regarding us as assets of their company. To achieve our clients’ full satisfaction and high quality in our services, we employ the know-how acquired along many years working for important civil companies, focusing our efforts on satisfying the actual needs of our clients.

  • Sed fringilla mauris
    Wind Farm
    Los Cucuros
    57 wind turbine, 102,6 MW
  • Solar farm
    150 MW
  • Sed fringilla mauris
    Wind farm
    39 wind turbine, 89 MW
  • Wind Complex
    Alto Sertão II
    230 wind turbine, 384 MW
  • Wind farm
    Cerro Negro
    8 wind turbine, 16 MW